The Life of Jesus Christ was predicted by many prophets of of God before his birth here on earth. Many prophet prophesied that a Messiah would come on earth, according to a Bible dictionary(Messiah is an Aramaic word meaning "The Anointed. In the New Testament the deliverer is called the Christ, which is Greek equivalent of Messiah, and Jesus the Messiah is called Jesus the Christ, Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ).
Our Lord Jesus Christ was born in a manger, because there was no available rooms in the inn. And when he was delivered by His mother Mary in the manger He is with the other farm animals. And he is visited by wise men (in other Bible version He is visited by kings) and gave Him gifts. Our Lord Jesus is the only person on earth that is born by a mortal mother and an immortal Father. That's why He is called "The Only Begotten Son" because He inherited the divine power of His Father which in Heaven. From His mother He inherited the mortality of being a man, that's why He did experience hunger, thirst, fatigue,pain, and death. According to John 10:17-18 (17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, and I have power to take it again. 18 No man can taketh it from me, but I lay it down again. This commandment have I received of my Father). It is clear that these verses proves that no man could take away His life, that only He can only do it.
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Jesus Christ in the Temple |
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Sermon on the mount |
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Jesus Christ pay the prize of our sins, the night before He crucified, He's on the Garden of Gethsemane, He was sorrow, kneeling and praying. It is quoted in Matthew 26:39 that,"He went a little farther, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O my Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not as my will, but as thou wilt". He made this sacrifice to save us from our sins from spiritual and physical death that was caused by our first parents Adam and Eve because they disobeyed the commandment that don't eat the forbidden fruit. This sacrifice is called the "Atonement " that pay the prize of our sins that would overcome the physical and spiritual death(we would be separated to our Heavenly Father forever). And that's why our Lord Jesus Christ is qualified to be our Savior because He is the the only person that lived on earth who did not sinned, this made Him a worthy sacrifice to pay the prize of our sins. And in the Garden of Gethsemane, the weight of the sins of the world caused Him to feel agony that He bled from every of His pore.
But our Lord's suffering never ended there, the next day, Jesus Christ was beaten, humiliated and spitted by the people around Him. And later on, He carried the cross where He was tortured in one of brutal way. And then He was nailed and crucify and lifted up on that cross. he cried out in agony, "My God , why hast thou forsaken?(Mark 15:34). And at the of His life, as He hung on the cross, He prayed unto the Father for the soldiers who had crucified Him, pleading to His Father, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". (Luke 23:24)

When our Savior died, He exclaimed in a loud voice, "It is finished"(John 19:30). "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit".(Luke23:46). He bowed His head and voluntarily gave His spirit. Our savior was dead. A violent earthquake shook the earth.
Jesus Christ loves us because He suffer on the cross for the sake of all people here on earth. And how great the love of our Heavenly Father for us because he did send His only Begotten Son to suffer and die for all of us.

16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
But our Lord's suffering never ended there, the next day, Jesus Christ was beaten, humiliated and spitted by the people around Him. And later on, He carried the cross where He was tortured in one of brutal way. And then He was nailed and crucify and lifted up on that cross. he cried out in agony, "My God , why hast thou forsaken?(Mark 15:34). And at the of His life, as He hung on the cross, He prayed unto the Father for the soldiers who had crucified Him, pleading to His Father, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". (Luke 23:24)

When our Savior died, He exclaimed in a loud voice, "It is finished"(John 19:30). "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit".(Luke23:46). He bowed His head and voluntarily gave His spirit. Our savior was dead. A violent earthquake shook the earth.
Jesus Christ loves us because He suffer on the cross for the sake of all people here on earth. And how great the love of our Heavenly Father for us because he did send His only Begotten Son to suffer and die for all of us.

John 3:16 (King James Version)
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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